
Here you can find all the documentation available for working with the CMS.


The PageTypeCMS class is the main framework for the CMS. This class initializes and processes the HTTP request, and generates the output for the body of the HTTP response. This class also contains all the base methods for working with the CMS.


The PageTypePlugin class is the base class to extend when creating plugins.


The PageTypeService class is the base class to extend when creating services. This class also provides helper methods for use when accessing the service from within a module.


The PageTypeAdmin class is used as a base for creating a control panel to manage the CMS. This class is provided to help develope back-ends for PageType™.


The PageTypeAPI class is the remote API which provides a REST interface to the CMS. This class initializes and processes the HTTP request, and generates the output for the body of the HTTP response.


The PageType object in the JavaScript API provides a client-side interface to the CMS through the PageType™ API.


As PHP code is not available when safe-mode is enabled you can use {snippets}. These are special tags which allow you to introduce values into your content, define basic conditional flow control, and use the plugins and services. This also allows admins and designers who don't have knowledge of programming to add functionality to the site without knowledge of PHP. You can find an overview of all available {snippets} in the safe-mode snippets reference.

2session_start(): open(/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php82/sess_35e603421fdbb4ae29d60e8719c28461, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2)67/home2/ptorg/public_html/pagetype/cms.php
2session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php82)67/home2/ptorg/public_html/pagetype/cms.php
8192Creation of dynamic property PageTypeCMS::$html is deprecated43/home2/ptorg/public_html/pagetype/plugins/html/pagetype.plugin.php